Thursday, February 27, 2014

Another Blessed Year Ahead: You're not getting old, you're getting better!

Woohoo! It's my brother's special day, but since we won't have time to celebrate today, we celebrated it last night with a simple dinner of his all-time favourite steak and took home some Fleur de Lys. Despite not seeing each other that much because of different schedules, I made it a point to take him out. 

Images are taken from my phone, so it didn't turn out nice

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Blogging, Gelato And Me

First ever blog, first ever post and I'm lost for words

Ok, ok this is something new to me. For some reason, blogging never came to mind, well maybe it did but just a little. It's not my thing and I don't even know if I can keep up with it. 

I'm an active Instagram user, I post something on my Facebook every now and then; mostly food photo,  places with a few (or sometimes long) description and of course selfie's. That's when people started  suggesting that I should start my own blog to write down recipes of food that I make and share anything under the sun or about places I've been digging lately.

Souk Al Bahar - Commercial and Residential Building